Thursday, December 6, 2018

Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast

#Breast Cancer #types #phyllode #ducts #lobules #Connective_tissue #Biopsy #mammogram #physical_exam #MRI #Ultrasound
Breast cancers called carcinomas, which develop inside the ducts (milk-carrying tubes) or lobules (milk-producing glands) of the breast, phyllodes tumors start outside of the ducts and lobules. Phyllodes tumors develop in the breast's connective tissue, called the stroma. The stroma includes the fatty tissue and ligaments that surround the ducts, lobules, and blood and lymph vessels in the breast. It may be helpful to think of the stroma as the tissue that "holds everything together" inside the breast. In addition to stromal cells, phyllodes tumors can also contain cells from the ducts and lobules.
The most common symptom of a phyllodes tumor is a breast lump that you or your doctor can feel while examining the breasts. Phyllodes tumors tend to grow quickly, within a period of weeks or months, to a size of 2-3 cm or sometimes larger. This rapid growth does not automatically mean the phyllodes tumor is malignant; benign tumors can grow quickly, too. The lump is usually not painful. If left unchecked, the lump can create a visible bulge as it pushes against the skin. In more advanced cases — whether benign, borderline, or malignant — a phyllodes tumor can cause an ulcer or open wound to form on the breast skin.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Paget's Disease of the Nipple

#Cancer # Breast_Cancer #Paget's_disease_Nipple #pain #flattening #yellowish_discharge #Be a part of these Prestigious event with experts #Breast_cancer_summit 2019

Paget's Disease of Nipple

Paget's disease of the nipple is a rare form of breast cancer in which cancer cells collect in or around the nipple. Cancer usually affects the ducts of the nipple first (small milk-carrying tubes), then spreads to the nipple surface and the areola (the dark circle of skin around the nipple). The nipple and areola often become scaly, red, itchy, and irritated.
Doctors are not yet completely sure how Paget's disease develops. One possibility is that the cancer cells start growing inside the milk ducts within the breast and then make their way out to the nipple surface. This would appear to explain why so many people with Paget's disease of the nipple have a second area of cancer within the breast. Another theory is that the cells of the nipple itself become cancerous. This theory would explain the small number of people who: (1) only have Paget's disease in the nipple, or (2) have a second breast cancer that appears to be completely separate from the Paget's disease.
Paget's disease of the nipple is more common in women, but like other forms of breast cancer, it can also affect men. The disease usually develops after age 50. According to the National Cancer Institute, the average age of diagnosis in women is 62, and in men, 69

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Molecular Sub-types of Breast cancer

There are five main intrinsic or molecular subtypes of breast cancer that are based on the genes cancer expresses:

#Cancer #Breast Cancer #types #Subtype #Molecular #Luminal_A #Luminla B #Triple Negative #HER2 Enriched #Normal

Monday, December 3, 2018

Male Breast cancer

#Breast_Cancer #Types #Male_Breast_cancer #Advanced _than_Women_Breast_Cancer #growing_older #High_estrogen_levels #Klinefelter_syndrome #Radiation_exposure #Family_history #lump #Sore_nipple_areola #enalrged_lymph_nodes
Male Breast Cancer (1).png
Because breast cancer in men is rare, few cases are available to study. Most studies of men with breast cancer are very small. But when a number of these small studies are grouped together, we can learn more from them.
The risks factors for male breast cancer — particularly because men are not routinely screened for the disease and don't think about the possibility that they'll get it. As a result, breast cancer tends to be more advanced in men than in women when it is first detected.
A number of factors can increase a man's risk of getting breast cancer:
  • Growing older: This is the biggest factor. Just as is the case for women, risk increases as age increases. The average age of men diagnosed with breast cancer is about 68.
  • High estrogen levels: Breast cell growth — both normal and abnormal — is stimulated by the presence of estrogen. Men can have high estrogen levels as a result of:
Klinefelter syndrome: Men with Klinefelter syndrome have lower levels of androgens (male hormones) and higher levels of estrogen (female hormones).
A strong family history of breast cancer or genetic mutations: Family history can increase the risk of breast cancer in men — particularly if other men in the family have had breast cancer.
Radiation exposure: If a man has been treated with radiation to the chest, such as for lymphoma, he has an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
 some signs to watch for:

Final Call for Speakers @breastcancersummit2019

Last Call for participating at the event 9th World Congress on Breast Cancer & Therapies (Breast Cancer Summit 2019) #April 29-30, 2...